Vantagens e desvantagens da escavadeira hidráulica Feb 22, 2023

Vantagens : (1) peso leve. Quando passou a mesma potência, transmissão hidráulica do que o tamanho pequeno de um dispositivo de transmissão mecânica, estrutura compacta, peso leve, sua qualidade pode reduzir 30% ~ 40%.

(2) pode realizar regulação de velocidade contínua, ampla faixa de velocidade. Relação de mandíbula quebrada de Henan da velocidade mais alta para a mais baixa de até 1000:1. Motor a óleo do tipo êmbolo, pode obter uma velocidade estável de 1/min. Em corridas rápidas, pequena inércia dos componentes hidráulicos, alta velocidade e ré.

(3) a transmissão é um trabalho estável e confiável. Defina uma variedade de válvulas de segurança, válvulas de alívio no sistema hidráulico, até mesmo sobrecarga ocasional ou manuseio incorreto da situação ou acidentes pessoais e danos à máquina.

(4) the operation is simple, flexible, energy, improving the driver's working conditions. In addition, easy to automate control of the hydraulic system can be composed jointly with electric, pneumatic automatic control and remote control systems.

(5) the device can be enlarged. Can be configured with a variety of new devices, such as combination boom, telescopic boom mount, bottom-dump bucket, etc; also, easy to replace and adjust the working device, compact hydraulic excavator fitted with 30~ 40 replacement device.

(6) maintenance and repair easy. Since hydraulic excavator does not require complex mechanical systems, structure has been simplified, reduced nearly 50% of wearing parts, it greatly simplifies maintenance and repair work.

(7) the hydraulic components are easy to achieve standardization, serialization and generalization, and organize specialized production. improve quality and reduce costs.

Disadvantages: (1) manufacturing high precision of hydraulic components, Assembly demanding maintenance is also more difficult. Hydraulic system failure, to determine the cause of the accident and troubleshooting more difficult, maintenance repair and technical requirements are high.

(2) the great influence on the viscosity of the oil temperature. Thus work under high temperature and low temperature affect the transmission efficiency. In addition, oil leaks, can also affect the smooth action and transmission efficiency. In short, ceramsite production line equipment hydraulic excavator is a structure and properties of advanced new machines, it became more widely used, in particular small and medium sized excavator, could soon be replaced by hydraulic excavators. With the development of Chinese hydraulic and hydraulic components manufactured to improve the quality of, also for medium and large hydraulic excavator will be developing rapidly.

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